Abandoned Paradox (2014, 2018)
Robot cleaner, paint, paint can, trash, roller, gallery floor (vinyl carpet)

This series was elaborately completed in 2018, four years since they first presented it at Asian Art Biennale 2014 in Bangladesh. A self-running cleaner manufactured by iRobot smoothly slides on the floor to clean, while the artist fixes it with a roller soaked in paint to the backside of the machine that paradoxically runs in all directions to paint. In this work, a non-humanistic machine is shown as an absolutely uncontrollable and contingent creator making a reproduction of floor painting. With changing temperature and humidity in the place of storage and the accumulated time to age, now it is stable and fully expresses various matière arranged in a structure containing the multi-coated surface delicately showing the layers underneath. This unique art piece absorbed unique characteristics of uncontrollable time passage and traces of paradoxical performance, embodied randomness and presented in one and only layout.